When life hands you lemons…

I was thinking about that this morning, whilst baking in the kitchen. I love lemons. I love their zest, the lemon juice and I have even eaten them whole, like oranges, when we lived in Spain many years ago, picked straight off our very own trees, on the huerto! And of course, then , as my mind does, I thought about “life” in general and the idea of completing that saying… “make lemonade!”

To me, a year ago that would have been just fine. Yes, I’ll make do with that and go make lemonade! Not now, though, oh no! If “Life” has the audacity to offer me lemons, I shall refuse them politely and ask for raspberries, or strawberries, or passion fruit. I mean, if I am going to have a sugar overdose, I’d rather it be from Pavlova, or some fruity scones, or jam – NOT lemonade…

And then, of course, I got to thinking about “women” and our negative body image issues. Especially our relationship with food. I don’t know about you, but I have struggled with weight issues all my life and lost and gained many, many lbs. And it’s so ridiculous, because if I took control of my ‘food issues’ the way I have dealt with whatever else “Life” has seen fit to throw at me over the past few years, I would be in control…

So in the spirit of “handing back those lemons”, today I decided that among all the crap that is spouted to motivate one at slimmers’ clubs, etc. “Eat less, move more” is the most logical. Ergo – for each wonderful cheese scone or muffin that I bake and consume (eaten slowly with great contentment, whilst murmuring, “Mmmm, these are so good!”), I shall exercise 1 minute on the crosstrainer. Kill two birds with one stone – enjoy my food and then get my body burning some fuel!!

Here are some yummy (possibly motivational) photos, of what I’ve been up to today. These little works of art will be thoroughly enjoyed, contain eggs, and are my entry to the Three Muses challenge today. A bit naughty but then, I am calling it a creative way to use eggs in “edible” art!! 😉

** Those are for afternoon tea (and Amber’s breakfast!) And I have already done 3.5 minutes and over 1km on the crosstrainer, so maybe for once, I am taking my own advice… And DD ate 3 of those muffins, so they must be good!  😉

** The website I find all my recipes on lately, is All Recipes (UK & Ireland) and if you click through, you’ll see why I cooked extra potatoes for mashing today!!  I shall make those tomorrow and we’ll enjoy them with salad and ham I expect!