Mixed Media Monday

The fabulous Fatma hosted MMM this week and we had to use playing cards somewhere in our artwork. I couldn’t find any conventional playing cards, but I found this playing card from Clive Barker’s “Majicka” game. I only ever bought a few packs of these, many moons ago, but they certainly are weird!

So here’s my tribute to Clive Barker (and Fatma, of course)!


I’m enjoying using the slide mounts again and I used one of my favourite backgrounds – the acrylic painted, gesso background, which went wrong and turned out shiny. The hanger is a brass curtain ring I’ve stuck to the back of the mountboard plaque. The acetate behind the slide mount is from a sheet I bought from Crafty Individuals.

I know this is very unlike my usual stuff, but I like it’s weirdness and moodosity! (New word here!!!!) 😉

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  1. Sandy

     /  May 2, 2008

    Wow Rosie this is wonderful. Amazing creation again. Love it.

  2. mixedmediamonday

     /  May 2, 2008

    Fabulous piece, Rosie! I love it’s weirdness and moodosity as well 🙂 Diane

  3. I LOVE this, Rosie! You are amazing! I love the kind of eerie spooky mood it conveys, and the colors are great! I think it looks fabulous shiny! We all could use a dose of wierdness to add to our moodosity!

  4. Absolutelty fabulous.

  5. carolann

     /  May 4, 2008

    Amazing work its really brilliant


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