Introducing the Mohawk Owl…

This is a rare species indeed. His little legs are red and he has white fishnets over them, a red crest (or Mohican hairdo), and green boots so you can’t spot him in the trees… or so he thinks!

It’s all nonsense really! Just my take on this week’s challenge by The Three Muses (Ann), LEGS!

Mohawk Owl...

I am making small quilting blocks in a swap and one of the ladies has chosen “owls” as her theme, so I went a bit nuts on them last night… surprised? No, I didn’t think you would be, but the end result was 2 more blocks completed and this little postcard-sized fella for me! Isn’t he adorable, with his padded tummy and big button eyes, never mind the hair, legs and boots?

I have managed to catch the grottiest cold and am coughing like an old tractor at the moment, feeling quite sorry for myself… and thank goodness for blogs and art to take my mind off my poor throat!

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  1. I just had to tell you, this little guy made me smile today. Thanks for sharing him!

  2. He is cute! Twitchy Wooo!

  3. Rosie…this is wonderful…I like how you sewed around the pieces!

  4. fatmasplace

     /  May 12, 2010

    love your owl, it´s so funny

  5. Ah Rosie! You have given me something to smile about. I just love your owl. He is GORGEOUS. Is he going to be part of a greater quilt? What a work of art that would be.

    Absolutely adorable.

  6. Sandy

     /  May 12, 2010

    Haha ha ha..
    This is really fun Rosie.
    Stunning work.

  7. An owl in fishnets – who would ever have thought it! What fun Rosie, brings a smile to my face for sure!

  8. and I’m smiling too, Rosie, love it!

  9. johanna

     /  May 12, 2010

    i instantly would adopt him;) great piece, love it!

  10. I have to show this to my daughter, she’s “owl-crazy” 🙂

  11. Your owl is super, Rosie!

  12. This is really a very great fabric creation.
    Oh yes, I love your fantastic owl.

  13. taluula

     /  May 12, 2010

    Awwww Rosie, this is fabulous, so much fun, and so cute, it really made me smile. You are the queen of the sewing machine world. I hope you feel better soon.

  14. He’s simply wonderful! There’s so much I love about this, it’s got great lines and is so beautifully textured. The fishnets are a brilliant touch. Get well soon! ~Sharon

  15. What a great little owl Rosie- love him!

  16. First of all, I’m with you. I HATE the dinky comment window. I usually go to the list of participants and click on the name so I can see the entire entry. Funny how some windows come up larger than others. ANYWAY, that aside, your little Owl Fowl is absotively adorable! I can see why you kept him for yourself!

  17. your little mohawk owl is precious! love those fishnet stockings too!

  18. Great fun piece Rosie, love your little owl and wonderful legs!

  19. barnie

     /  May 12, 2010

    🙂 Thanks for the big smile on my face 🙂

  20. So cute… and he has a great pair of legs!

  21. Your owl is a real hoo-hoo-hoot! Love every bit about it.

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