Giving and Receiving…

I have received awards this week – 2 from Tracey! I’ve been seeing the Tammy Vitale Wylde Woman award popping up on people’s blogs all over Blogland and I finally got it this week from Susie AND Tracey! Thank you so much ladies… Having just been to Tammy’s blog, I was completely blown away by her ceramic masks, her jewellery and mostly by her philosophy regarding women being women, being powerful, embracing their power and sharing it. I love that and my own art and life have changed so dramatically over the past year since I gave in and embraced my inner woman – that female essence bubbling below the surface screaming to get out and create, create, create!

That was the scary part, opening the flood gates of feminine creativity… Life is a pleasure, creating satisfies my soul and I am happier in my art than I have ever been in my entire life. I love making up stories about rubber stamp images! I love letting my sense of humour out onto canvas, cards, fabric, and my blogging buddies.

There’s so much outstanding creativity in the blogosphere, daily inspiration – no, hourly inspiration! Then there are the lovely comments and interaction between bloggers/artists/crafters which bring a smile to your face. The generosity of sharing in our community is second to none. Women are amazing and I am so proud to be a woman today!

The rules of this award are as follows:

1.  You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween – it’s up to you.  Make sure you link to their site in your post.

2.  Link back to this blogsite ( (so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women.

Purpose of the Award:  To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.

1. To Barbara, who artiphies my heart with her talent, humour and her friendship

2. To Trish, who is an outstanding List Mom and the most enthusiastic blogging artist I have come across

3. To Hermine, whose love of her family shines through her art

4. To Ria Vaneman, who took a chance on me and created an awesome Design Team that I’m very proud to be a part of

5. To Belinda, always an inspiration

6. To Michelle, who is one of my Art Heroes and gave me the confidence boost to challenge myself

7. To Annette, who went above and beyond the call of artistic duty to help me nail image transfers!

8. To Carol, whose wonderful, detailed photos make it easy to learn new techniques

All of you, and many more arty-crafty people contribute to my busy life, so thank you for being outstanding Wylde Women – xoxoxo – when I think of you all, this ATC sums it up, because I have learned so much from everyone:

Stamp – Third Coast RS – yeah, I know you know about The Eyes!

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  1. Thank you so much Rosie. I am very honoured!

  2. Awesome blog – LOVE the crows, which seem to be calling from all directions every where I look these days. Congratulations on receiving the Wylde Women Award and thanks for passing it along. Also many thanks for your kind comments on my blog – glad you liked the quote. I like finding my “thoughts for the day” – they make me hit my bookcase and remember stuff I’d otherwise forget.

  3. Oh Rosie, THANK YOU!!!! What a lovely thing to do, and such lovely things you’ve said about me!! Thank you so much, my friend! I am so honored. YOU have artiphied MY heart!!

  4. I LOVE this!

  5. carolann

     /  July 27, 2008

    wow this is fantastic WTG hun xxx

  6. gave you a shout out at my blog 7/29

  7. Wow!! Thanks Tammy! 🙂

  8. Congrats on the award! I love the ATC – beautiful work!


  9. Well done Rosie….
    and theres more ….as I hope you will accept the Stempel award from me x

  10. Rosie, when I read about your personal development through your creativity I always feel inspired myself.
    And best of all: I get momentum when I’m not feeling so good myself (and begin something new – mostly without finishing what I was doing before ;-)))
    Congratulations for your (well deserved) awards!

  11. rosie – congrats on the award! and thank you for the honor. nothing pleases me more than making connections with creative women. i really believe we find the people we are meant to find and blogging makes it that much easier *wink*

  12. rosie, i’m so flattered and honored!! and you certainly deserve it yourself, goes right back at ya! and i DIG your eyes atc, just brilliant.

  13. Hi Rosie
    home at last and trying to do the BIG catch up…thanks so much for the award but it truely belongs to you :o).You make awesome art and inspire so many of us…a(fter reading this I shall never say us “meer” Woman either LOL).You rock and are just an amazingly talented lady.

  14. I was going to give you this award too – but you’ve got an honorary mention on my blog! LOL!!! x

  1. ceramic masks
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