Bye Bye Blackbird…

The Three Muses – yay!! That’s the theme – and of course it got me humming. I am too tired to go all Drama Queen-Art-journalling-collage-spread-with-lotsa-birds, as I have suddenly become busier than usual; Yes, well, this is a seasonal area and it’s nice to get work, so I am not complaining, (that would be my bones!!).

I now have fallen into the habit of creating ATCs as light relief between other more complex projects. I’m enjoying myself and here’s one I made this evening for this challenge:

"Blackbird, bye-bye!"

I used another piece of the water, ink, cardstock for my base, stitched down a woolly-strands crow’s nest and the piece of green leather (for a bough), and then found an entry in my oldest dictionary – again, sewn in place. I used my crow mask for the birdie and applied black stazon ink through it. I wrote the words and doodled a musical note and then finished off by couching a leather thong round 2 of the edges. Fun!!

I never know what I’m going to do when I start, these little artworks just evolve, almost of their own volition and the beauty of it is, I am using up a lot of scraps and recycling cards, belts, threads, etc. 🙂

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  1. Birds, especially black birds and Ravens, are among my favorite themes!! Your ATC is wonderful, Rosie!! I love the nest of fibers!

  2. Sandy

     /  April 7, 2010

    Oh wow this is amazing.
    Fantastic black bird creation.

  3. wonderful atc, love all the stitching!!

  4. Another of your masterpieces, Rosie, what a fabulous collage, thanks for b’day wishes, too!

  5. rosie, your comment to me didn´t let me reply and i couldn´t find an email address here…
    the pic i used is not a stamp (i wish it were…). i found it googling around in the web some long day ago and saved it on my computer…

  6. great atc!! love the stitching!!

  7. Love your blackbird stitching creation.

  8. Un corbeau qui fait de la couture !
    c’est très original !
    j’aime votre création ! Mary.KG

  9. Fab ATC!!


  10. taluula

     /  April 7, 2010

    Rosie, I am always in complete awe at your mixed media collaging and this one is no exception. It. Is. Inspired! You have such talent my friend.

  11. Hi Rosie…wonderful work….love the way you sewed the details…what a clever piece!!!


  12. Brilliant!! If this is an example of your bits and pieces ATCs, they’re ALL winners. Love this one, and all the detail you’ve put into it.

  13. This is a wonderful crafted piece with such a handsome bird Rosie!

  14. A beautiful collage, Rosie. You are so talented!

  15. your atc is stunning! love all the different items and textures you used.

  16. Great Blackbird piece friend!!! Thanks for sharing…

  17. Super piece, with all the elements you used!

  18. barnie

     /  April 9, 2010

    Rosie, fantastic sewing, just perfect !

  19. Rosie, I love your whimsical, fabric collage. Crows get a bad press here in my part of the world. They are here in great number and they are noisy when scratching on roofs and especially when they are all squawking at the same time. However, for some perverse reason, I like them.

    Thanks so much for you kinds thoughts.
    Cheers, Marie.

  20. Great piece !


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