
She watches the clock

Minutes pass by so slowly

At the end of time…

Floating in the depths

Swimming with the sea creatures

Passing endless Time…


Watching the hands move

Slowly across the clock face

She reminisces…

For Haiku my Heart Friday HERE, where other like-minded souls meet to make images and words form haikus… Mine this week are inspired by the restlessness I feel after my accident. I do not do “still” and “rest” and “feet up” very well at all, I’m afraid! Reminds me of the old saying:

“Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can. ‘Tis seldom in a woman and never in a man!”  

With Nick away and DD at work, I am “flying solo” for much of the weekend. Wish me luck and patience!!!! 😉

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  1. Catching up and checking out on you Rosie… see how your foot is doing. Girl… you scared me when you told you broke your foot! It looks awful too… I’m glad you sound a bit better now. I sure wish I lived nearby, I’d come cheer you up this weekend (and order pizza or something, ’cause how much I’d love to cook for you too – I AM a lousy cook.. but I can bake an egg, make a sandwich and cook a delicious ‘Zeeland’s mussel dish’) Anyway, get better soon and DO take that rests!!

    • Lol! Bless you Marit!! I’d certainly lose weight if we had to rely on your cooking… but you watch the Tour de France and I’ll cook for us! 😉

  2. love the second haiku, especially… the photo does remind me of sea creatures 🙂

    (and i’m so sorry to hear of your accident – your poor foot! prayers for you, for provision and quick healing!)

    • Thanks Leslie – yes she’s lurking in the background – my little mermaid! 🙂

  3. I went and read the update. Now I understand the haiklu better. A broken foot! I hope it heals quickly and you come away better than how it started. You have a good natural way of finding the good in this tragedy. A broken foot IS a lot better than having a heartv attack, and you probably will build upper body strength, which will be of sewrvice aftyerb the cast is removed. I send positive energy your way and wish you and yours all the best and all the Peace you need.

  4. Thank you… I always figure there is a silver lining in there somewhere! Now my family (and I), realise how much I run around!!! 😉

  5. Such a very thoughtful post…it makes me think that slowing down is a good thing!

  6. It seems to take forever to heal, doesn’t it?!!! Sending positive energy for a swift healing. Meanwhile, stay off the foot! 😀

  7. Thank God for imagination and art making when the body can’t keep up with where we want to go !
    Hang in there and heal up well, Lovely One !

  8. magicalmysticalteacher

     /  July 15, 2011

    The hands are moving so fast for me that they are a blur!

  9. dear rosie,

    sending you love. may every haiku brighten your heart, and every comment be one of comfort and healing.

    rest easy friend.

  10. Funny how time is
    really just a human idea
    trying to put order in a universe
    where order already exists.

  11. Beautiful…

  12. These are lovely — a broken foot isn’t. How are you doing?

    • Meri, I’m doing better and it’s a severe sprain – torn tissue! – so not broken. Better thanks, just restless!! 🙂

  13. Fortunately I read your update first and then I understood your haikus from your POV and not mine. Being in the last quarter of my life, I’m a bit of a time watcher. So sorry to hear about your foot but glad the cast is off and you have a sprain vs. a broken bone. Hopefully it will heal faster.

  14. I love the subtle layers and colors in this piece, Rosie! And I love your haiku, too!

    I don’t do any of those things (still, rest, feet up) well either, Rosie. I love the verse; I’ve heard it often in my life, but I disagree with patience as a virtue. I believe that patience is a muscle. The only way to achieve it is through exercise. Like art, you acquire the talent for it by doing it. And I hate that too, being an impatient soul…. XOXO

  15. Enjoy your time…to relax, to create…to ruminate

  16. Oh my dear,
    So sorry about your foot. Time does move slowly when these things happen and you cannot walk and move about as you are used to doing. I hope that you heal quickly and are surrounded by love and caring. Wonderful images in your haikus today!

  17. magicalmysticalteacher

     /  July 22, 2011

    Perhaps the clocks has sped up for you just a bit by now. One can hope…

  18. magicalmysticalteacher

     /  July 22, 2011

    Well, fingers, that would be “clock” singular, not “clocks” plural! LOL

  19. I wonder if any one of us can truly understand or even figure out the depths of time 🙂 Nice haikus..

  20. Patience my dear! This too shall pass! 😀 😀 😀

  21. “Time and motion wait for no man” Reginald Perrin
    Good group of haiku about time. One thing about it, it never stops, does it.



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