Sleeping with the enemy!

Does anyone else have pets who pretend to get along but beat other up when you’re out?! That’s the only explanation for Millie and Shadow… Shadow’s a complete swine and really ready with the “paws” – he’ll box anything his size, bigger or smaller. Millie’s an attack-dog in her head, but can be really cowardly too… Hmmm – so this is quite a rare capture!

I wonder what that cat’s thinking? 😉

Healing spirit of pets…

I have always believed that we choose to live our lives with “pets” – in our case, dogs especially, because of the unconditional, non-judgemental love they give us. Our big old German Shepherd Dog, Thor, is a spirit healer. He has always known when a friend or visitor to our home is “hurting” or in need of some calm and kindness. We used to say he could sense the “damaged souls”…

I wish our friend Joe could meet Thor – I’m certain they’d have bonded. So here for Joe, (who needs to heal), is a visual message from Thor:

Deep, dark, soulful eyes;

Your compassionate nature

heals those who touch you…

Faithful, loving dog –

proud bearer of the Norse God’s

name – you are our Thor.

~~~ We named him Thor because he had such huge paws as a puppy! You could hear him thundering across the laminate wood flooring. Even then he was heavy and at 10 years of age, he weighs almost 40kgs! (about 88lbs.)

Thanks to: My DD, Amber, for the fabulous photo of Thor – xoxo; Kim Klassen for the textures.

See more haiku and photos at Recuerda mi Corazon, where Rebecca hosts our weekly “Haiku my Heart Fridays.


I have an eclectic family and, par for the course, equally eclectic pets. We are competitive, combative, crazy and fiercely loving, so woe betide anyone who upsets any member of the clan! Family comes first in my house – and that includes the dogs, the cat and the parrot, after the humans.

We have, in order of who was first to join our family: Shadow – black British Shorthair tom cat, aged 15 – rescue cat who measure 100cms (39″), standing on his back legs; Thor – German Shepherd Dog, long-haired, very large, weighing in at 38kgs. and 10 years old; Millie-mou – Yorkshire Terrier cross, with a deformed (short) lower jaw (which is why her tongue hangs out on the right side of her mouth constantly), aged 9 years; and lastly, Gizmo – a South African Grey Conure parrot (that’d be the big ones), aged 6 with an ever-growing vocabulary.

For Kim’s Texture Tuesday today….

Your image must contain at least one layer of my ‘and then some’ texture.

Methodology: Pics taken with my Samsung Monte mobile phone – just until I get a “proper camera”!!

“And_then_some” – soft light, 100%; copied – colour burn, 65%

I also used Jerry Jones’s Vintage Bokeh (70%); Frosted Bokeh (76%) and the OMS-4 mask from his October Mask set with screen 100%.

Font: “A bite”

It is very easy to get lost in the wonderful images shared on TT… but so worth it! 🙂